Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Yikes: Old post I forgot to publish!

(From February Second)

Yes, yes, we know. We're very slow in updating the blogs these days. But we have a good excuse: we're overrun! By children, colds, students, new projects and research, and the rest of life... it's a zoo around here. The girls are thriving despite the chaos.

Alice is growing like a weed, both physically and developmentally. Her four month checkup with Dr. Wong confirmed what we already knew: Alice is a happy, robust, and right on track developmentally. She's in roughly the 72nd percentile for height and the 80th for weight, so no concernes about feeding and growth.

Her sleep is regularizing nicely, with a short morning nap (30-45 minutes around 9am), a long (2-4 hour) midday nap, and a sporadic late afternoon nap on those days when she needs to recharge to make it to bedtime. On a typical day, Alice goes to bed a little before Lizzie -- usually around 6pm -- then sleeps until 2 or 3am, wakes to nurse, and then goes back to sleep until morning (6:30-7:30am). It's not perfect, but it's getting better!

All around Alice is a happy, mellow, drooly (oh so drooly) baby. What a treat!