Sunday, November 7, 2010

Double Team!

So last night, Lizzie and Alice teamed up for a special Saturday night. We'd actually had pretty smooth sailing until then...

Just as Lizzie was finishing up her bath, Alice decided it was time for dessert. No problem. Eric and I switched off (I'd been doing the bath while he soothed Alice), and I sat down to nurse Alice for a few more minutes. Eric got Lizzie out of the bath, and headed downstairs to get some milk. Lizzie was running around in the buff, as usual, in her usual delay to put on her bedtime diaper and PJs. A minute later (with Alice still nursing), I heard Lizzie say "poop!"

Okay, I figured. She farted or thinks she needs to sit on the potty. (Probably just a rouse to read "go dog go" yet again -- her potty book these days.) "I'll be there in a minute, honey," I called.

Lizzie showed up in the bedroom where Alice and I were sitting. "Poop," very matter of factly. "Okay honey, I'll be there in a minute. Go sit on the potty and I'll be right in."

"Coco!!!" Now with urgency. Hmm... something's wrong. I could hear Eric coming back up the stairs... then whoosh! Barf. Everywhere. I'd say a good 24-30" arc out of Alice, in several rounds, onto everything: rug, rocking chair, me, baby...

"Hey Eric? I could use some help here..."

At the same time, from the other room: "Oh wow Liz! You did poop!" I heard him say. "But next time let's try to put it IN the potty..." It was on the floor by the bed (not the rug, thank goodness).

On my own, I trudged out of the bedroom, dripping in barf (knees to armpits on one side -- pretty nice shot, kiddo!). And on the way to the bathroom I stepped in a stray poop-dollop. I felt the wet in my toes just as Eric said "watch your feet..."

UGH. So yeah, a rockin' Saturday night for us. Alice got a second bath. Lizzie got to stay up a little late, and Eric and I had a chance to spot clean the floors in much of the upstairs. Incredibly, the girls were both tucked into bed and sleeping soundly before 8pm. (Alice woke for her evening grumps shortly later, but that's another matter...) I even got to take a long bubble bath, guilt free. I earned that one.

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