Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Magic Baby

To be more specific, from 9-18 months, Alice has been: Happy: She really didn't cry very much (sorry, tantrums are starting). She's always smiling, giggling and laughing. Silly and goofy: She'll ham it up just for the sake of it. She doesn't care if anyone is watching. She spins getting dizzy, does little dances, walks around with a little strut, talks to her "Bobby," and so on. Helpful: She'll clean up after herself if you ask, and she'll get a bowl or plate for her snack if you ask her. Independent, self reliant, smart, curious, experimental, and patient(!): When she was 15 months old she would play on her own for almost 30 minutes. If she couldn't figure out how to make something work or how to play with a toy, she would try it again and again...a good little problem solver. When she plays with a toy, you can see in her eyes that she is examining it and evaluating it. Then she'll try it and if it doesn't work, she'll try it a different way. I think she preferred to figure things out herself through experimentation than to have someone help her. She'll dump water back and forth from one cup to another, just to see what happens. She's a good little scientist. Affectionate and snuggly: She loves to snuggle. She likes to have "chair" or "cair" before bed. This consists of sitting her in your lap and naming and pointing to body parts, followed by a snuggle. She'll lay on your chest while you rock in a chair and slowly drift to sleep. If she is sick and wakes up crying she can always be comforted with a snuggle in the rocking chair. She's just a generally good natured toddler. She loves music and dancing, and as I mentioned another post, she always moves with a spring in her step. She is not anxious or nervous and it is very relaxing to spend time with her. You can see why someone once called her the "Magic Baby." I think we'll keep her.

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