Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Gross motor

The past year Alice has definitely been a gross motor skill specialist. In terms of development, she has mastered gross motor skills quicker and more easily than other milestones. Climbing the stairs, walking, climbing on the playset, lugging laundry basket around, picking things up, stacking, jumping, bouncing, etc. She hasn't mastered many fine motor skills (forks, markers, etc.). Maybe its because she is the second child and has to keep up with the older kids (including her cousins), so she never gets a chance to focus on those skills. Maybe thats just how she is. Its hard to keep her still. Here's an example of the gross motor / fine motor difference in Alice. The high chair is gone, and the booster is on its way out. She's almost 2 and eats her meals standing on a regular dining chair. Halfway through the meal she'll reach over and pull another chair closer and then step over onto it. She may even pull her meal and place mat over as well. But she's not great with a fork or other utensils and she most eats with her hands.

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